Sumarliði R. Ísleifsson
University of Iceland
Sumarliði R. Ísleifsson is historian and associate professor in the University of Iceland. His main research field has been identity of peoples and nations in the high North, with Iceland and Greenland as case studies. Among other research fields in social history are the labour movement and alcohol consumtion in Iceland.
Among books he has written or edited are Ísland, framandi land (1996, The Wonderland Iceland), Iceland and Images of the North (2011, editor with Daniel Chartier), Tvær eyjar á jaðrinum. Ímyndir Íslands og Grænlands (2015, Island on the Edge. Representations of Iceland and Greenland), Líftaug landsins (2018, Icelandic Foreign Trade through the Ages, 2 vols. editor).
Identity, North, hegemony, racism, nationalism, images and representations