Émilie Gauthier
Université de Franche-Comté
Laboratoire Chrono-environnement, UMR 6249/CNRS
I am a palynologist and I study interactions between societies and environment. I am a specialist of mountainous, boreal, subarctic and arctic areas. I am currently coordinator of the InterArctic project (A millennium of interaction between societies and environments in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions – Canada and Greenland) funded by the French National Agency. This project involved 45 participants from 11 French laboratories and 10 foreign ones in Canada, Scotland and Greenland. I am also involved in research projects funded by the French Polar Institute (ADACLIM and ENCHAINEC) and I am part on an International Research Project between France and Russia (NORth) dealing with the neolithization of the north-western Russian plain.
Palynology, Archaeology, Arctic and subarctic environment, Interaction between societies and environment, Environmental archaeology, Palynology, Non-Pollen Palynomorphs, Peat bogs and lakes as archives, Climate change, Farming impacts, Little auks breeding sites impact, Arctic and Subarctic areas, Greenland, Labrador Coast, Russia, European mountainous areas.