Natasha Roy


Natasha Roy

Université du Québec à Montréal

Natasha Roy is postdoctoral research fellow at Geotop, Université du Québec à Montréal. She is a palaeoecologist and geoarchaeologist interested in the study of ecosystem responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in northern environments. She obtained her PhD in Geographical sciences at Université Laval. Her thesis aimed to compare the impact of climatic fluctuations and anthropogenic activities on the evolution of vegetation cover in anthropic northern environments of Labrador and Iceland. She also worked, as a postdoctoral research fellow at Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement, on interactions between Inuit, Norse and their environment in Greenland, by using different kinds of natural archives. Now, she is working on documenting the climate variability along the Labrador coast through quantitative reconstruction using pollen data.


Paleoecology, Arctic, Subarctic, Labrador, Iceland, Greenland, climate change, Holocene, Human-environment relationship